DENTAL SERVICES: Preventive Care Restorative Care Crowns, Bridges, Veneers Cosmetic Care Root Canal Extractions Implants Dentures Invisalign



As we age, our bodies change and so do our mouths.  We are generally living a longer lifespan than our predecessors, and our natural teeth experience prolonged wear and tear. 

Full coverage tooth-coloured ceramic or metal crowns can help restore strength, appearance, and function of weakened teeth. 


In replacing missing teeth, one of the options is Dental Bridges.

Think of a bridge as a span of joint crowns, where the teeth (abutments) adjacent to the missing space are precisely trimmed down for fitment and support.  The section of the bridge that covers the missing space is known as the pontic, and it is shaped to restore the appearance and function of the missing teeth.


Veneers are porcelain shells that are bonded to the front of the teeth to help restore and enhance the appearance of your smile.

Shades and shape are custom matched to best replicate your natural smile. Veneers are handcrafted by a ceramist at an external dental laboratory to customize your smile. 

Ask Our Dentists if veneers are suitable for you to help create the perfect smile.

Typically, the first visit is to prepare the tooth for a crown, veneer or bridge; this would involve removal of dental decay and rebuild of missing tooth structure.

The tooth is precisely trimmed to create the necessary space for the crown; an impression is taken in the same appointment, and a temporary restoration is placed to protect the underlying tooth while our dental laboratory fabricates the final restoration.

Once received from the lab, the patient will return for the second visit for cementation of the final restoration.